Explore Science: Solar Balloons

We got a 60 foot Solar Balloon from “Science Bob” We took it out and had many laughs and enjoyed it, even though it didn’t quite work. NOTE: Follow the instructions that says “Don’t take it out in WIND!” . Yes the balloon can not handle the wind, so a calm day is much advised.

This is all about molecules, kinetic energy, thermal energy and so much more. It is a great way to make an invisible concept (molecule motion in the atmosphere) a bit more visible.

You can also make your own: see this diy.

Here is an article on how solar ballloons could produce clean energy.

Questions/Discussions: (comment here and I will reply)

  • If you have done this experiment, how did it go?
  • Have you ever made a solar balloon? a hot air balloon or some other type of heat motion device?
  • What other thermal energy experiments, activities have you done and enjoyed?

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